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时间:2024-04-19 14:11:21
1、这荒唐的疼痛,让我在夜里失声痛哭。 This absurd pain makes me cry at night. 2、我把心寄错了地址,此刻请你还给我! I sent my heart to the wrong address, please return it to me now! 3、心累的时候,连话都不愿意再多说。 Heart tired, even the words are not willing to say more. 4、伤你很深的人,是你很熟悉的人。 The person who hurt you the most is the one you know the most. 5、如果你知道去哪,全世界都会为你让路。 If you know where to go, the world will make way for you. 6、愿为你守一座空城,等你一人归来。 Willing to guard an empty city for you, waiting for you to return alone. 7、明明就没有人疼你,还一副长不大的样子。 Clearly no one loves you, but also looks small. 8、我练过气功,可以把人气死。 I have practiced Qigong, which can make people angry. 9、论喜欢你,我可是天下*一。 In terms of liking you, I am the best in the world. 10、不强求,不强留,你转身,我便走。 Do not force, do not stay, you turn around, I will go. 11、你不要用眼电我,因为我的眼镜是绝缘的。 Don't electrify me with your eyes, because my glasses are insulated. 12、一想到以后你会跟别人在一起,我就好难受。 It makes me sick to think that you'll be with someone else in the future. 13、人总是珍惜未得到的,而遗忘了所拥有的。 People always cherish what they haven't got and forget what they have. 14、很折磨人的是,站在原地以为还回得去。 The most tormenting thing is to stand where I am and think I can go back. 15、只有努力,将来才能看起来毫不费力。 Only by working hard can the future look effortless. 16、眼泪的存在,是为了证明悲伤不是一场幻觉。 Tears exist to prove that sadness is not an illusion. 17、浮生三世,吾爱有三,日,月与卿。 Floating life three, my love has three, sun, moon and Qing. 18、微笑着掩饰着伤口,心却依然还是那么的痛。 Smile to cover up the wound, but the heart is still so painful. 19、除了你以外,我很喜欢钱。 Besides you, I like money best. 20、熬过这段灰暗的时光,但愿自己能苦尽甘来。 Through this period of gray time, I hope I can come to my heart's content. 21、不熟没关系,叫我小仙女就好。 It doesn't matter if you're not familiar. Just call me a fairy. 22、用时间和心看人,而不是眼睛和那些闲言碎语。 Use time and heart to see people, not eyes and gossip. 23、明人不说暗话,我想成为你心尖上的女人。 I want to be the woman in your heart. 24、睡在向日葵上,即使沮丧,也能面向太阳。 Sleep on a sunflower, even if depressed, can face the sun. 25、一盏孤灯,听万物声;满天星辰,照远归人。 A single lamp, listening to the sound of all things; the sky full of stars, shine far away to return. 26、相对喜欢,我更想被偏爱。 Relatively like, I want to be preferred. 27、我自会努力,不负您贬低。 I will try my best to live up to your demeaning. 28、我的软我的甜,仅对你一人可见。 My soft, my sweet, only you can see. 29、在我快要忘掉你的时候,你为什么又联系我? Why did you contact me when I was about to forget you? 30、是我的你别动,不是我的你也给我放那。 It's mine. Don't move. If it's not mine, you can put it for me. 31、时间从来不语,却回答了所有问题。 Time never talks, but answers all the questions. 32、我不会一昧的去珍惜了,毕竟谁都有烂脾气。 I will not cherish it, after all, everyone has a bad temper. 33、爱,不是改变对方,而是一起成长。 Love is not to change each other, but to grow up together. 34、哪有什么错过的人,会离开的都是路人。 Where there is any missing people, will leave are passers-by. 35、不在乎天长地久,只在乎曾经拥有。 Do not care about eternity, only care about once owned. 36、有些人说不出哪里好,但就是谁都替代不了。 Some people can't say what is good, but no one can replace it. 37、不要刻意去挽留,也不需刻意去强求。 Do not deliberately to retain, do not need to deliberately force. 38、疲倦的生活里,总要有些温柔的梦想。 Tired life, there are always some gentle dreams. 39、早知道做人这么累,当初就不下凡了。 If I knew I was so tired, I didn't go down to earth. 40、管你什么时候遇到我,反正这都是你的福气。 No matter when you meet me, it's your blessing anyway. 41、你不来也没关系,就当是月亮失约了。 It doesn't matter if you don't come. It's the moon that broke the appointment. 42、她们诋毁你却又想要成为你。 They slander you and want to be you. 43、心若得不到栖息的地方,到哪儿都是流浪。 If the heart can't find a place to live, it's wandering everywhere. 44、可不可以跟世界请个假,我想暂时离开一下。 Can I ask the world for a leave? I want to leave for a while. 45、只要我不触碰感情,齐天大圣都奈何不了。 As long as I don't touch feelings, Qi Tian Da Sheng can't help it. 46、学习独立,也学会照顾好自己。 Learn to be independent and take care of yourself. 47、用心甘情愿的态度,过随遇而安的生活。 With a willing attitude, live a happy life. 48、人哪有好的,只是坏的程度不一样而已。 No one is good, but the degree of bad is different.



